It consists in the execution of technical gestures from soccer (european football), gestures which are triggered by the appearance of certain stimuli (tactile, visual, auditory) and it is part of a mixed type of learning which is located between the analytical learning and the global learning.
At an advanced level of the method, in the same exercise is made the transition from mixed learning to the global learning (the presence of the active opponent).
This video that you will see is a sample of specific cognitive coaching soccer (european football) game and part of my extended method that I called "Technical development in cognitive framework".
Because the number of cognitive exercises in the workout it grew increasingly more, it was reached at the cognitive soccer or cognitive football (Europe) concept, where my method could be part of.
The method which i propose includes more than 150 exercises and these are designed to develop simultaneously the cognitive capacities of soccer player (sensation, perception, representation, reasoning, attention, memory, intuition, imagination, etc), and technical skills of the soccer game (driving ball, the pass, the shot) but especially the oriented control (take-over).
In the demo material are presented some exercises, namely:Exercises of the method itself (with a stimulus and more stimulus) that works normally in the first year of implementation, then some exercises from "special exercises" chapter, namely:
Drills performed by two players, rondo technical-tactical in a cognitive frame, goalkeeper drills; the demo material will be ending with images that want to highlight the core of the method imagined by me.
The drill performed by 2 players runs as a competition between them in which the two players are both defenders and attackers(3-4 reps for each player and change their roles) so it can be assimilated as a drill for technical speed.
In demo 2 it is a very concise summary of the method called: "Agility and technical speed in a cognitive framework".
This is a new method imagined by the author, that follows essentially the same direction of the cognitive training. As you can see from the title, this new method includes exercises that contain simultaneously an agility part and a technical part, both of it beeing developed in a cognitive perimeter.
This type of training can be used very effectively as an activation training!
© Copyright Jan Dragne 2016